Native Title holders wanted to provide employees and contractors background to their country, their culture and their history as part of cultural awareness training.
To introduce and new employees’ appreciation of the culture, history and social context of the Native Title Holders whose land they would be working on.
We needed to chart the rich culture and history of the Native Title holders within a limited duration and in a way that was inclusive.
We worked very closely with the Native Title Holders to explore the themes, traditions and cultural insights they wanted to express. It was important, and effective, that the traditional owners told their own story in their own words using their own voice. So we facilitated that by working side by side through the scripting process, working out locations to film, who to interview, and the themes to speak to. Members featured as subject matter experts, supplied part of the soundtrack and voiced the narration. To illustrate the story we filmed on location in the Pilbara, but also sourced historical archive vision and developed graphics to help explain some of the cultural nuances.